File : northwind.php. ID : 9141
Skin : Default | Sons-of-obsidian | Sunburst | Highlighter | Frame
Script_name : Northwind.php
Source_code :
Version 1.2563-10-24
- Change comment that it was prepared for 1 line coding
- Use function_exists for mysql_connect
- Test mysqli() on PHP 7.1 and PHP 5.6
- Test mysql_connect() on PHP 5.6 because it failed on PHP 7.1
- Can use php=7 and php=5 to control testing with XAMPP from
- Northwind.mdb for mysql in SQL format was shared in
- Use "mytable" from
- Can read about subquery at
- Test SQL command - online on
- Test SQL command - online on
- Test SQL command - offline on (Copyright 2004 - 2013)
Requirement before start this script
1. Download :
2. ก่อน import ให้สร้าง Database : northwind เพื่อนำเข้าฐานข้อมูลที่กำหนด
3. Import northwindfromphpmyadmin.sql in to MySQL
4. Orders (830), Order Details (2155), Customers(91), Employees(9), Products (77), Categories (8), Suppliers (29), Shippers (3)
/* Section 1 : Configuration */
$host 			= 	"localhost";
$uname 			= 	"root";
$upass 			= 	"";
$db 			= 	"northwind";
/* Section 2 : Variable */
$maxField		= 	10;
$lineperpage	= 	25;
$linenumber		= 	true;
if(isset($_GET["p"])) $currentpage = $_GET["p"]; else $currentpage = 1;
if((int)phpversion() >= 7) $php7 = true; else $php7 = false;
if(isset($_GET["php"])) { if($_GET["php"] == "7") $php7 = true; else $php7 = false; }
$mytable = "<style>	
.mytable { margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto; }
.mytable td {padding:3px; border-bottom: 1px solid #dddddd; }
.mytable tr:nth-child(even) {background-color: #ddffdd}
.mytable tr:nth-child(odd) {background-color: #ffffdd}
.mytable tr:hover {background-color: #ddddff}
/* Section 3 : Connection */
if($php7) {
  $connect = new mysqli($host, $uname, $upass, $db);
  if ($connect->connect_error) die("Connection failed: " . $connect->connect_error);
} else {
  if (function_exists('mysql_connect')) {	
    if(!$connect = mysql_connect($host, $uname, $upass)) die("Connect failed : ");
  } else {
    die("function mysql_connect : not exist in PHP");
/* Section 4 : SQL Command */
$sql		=	"select * from customers";
$sql_type 	= 	0; /* SQL type */
if(isset($_GET["t"])) {
  $sql_type = $_GET["t"];
  switch ($_GET["t"]) {  
  /* 1 - start here  */
  case "1": $sql="
  select * from orders
  "; break;    
  /* 2 - if we have space in table name, it need to use ascii 96 */
  case "2": $sql="
  select * from `order details`
  "; break;   
  /* 3 - selelct record in range of data */
  case "3": $sql="
  select * from products limit 0,5
  "; break; /* 0 = start at first record, 5 = total record  */  
  /* 4 - order have desc and asc */
  case "4": $sql="
  select * from products order by productname desc
  "; break; /* desc = descending and asc = ascending */  
  /* 5 - where = < > */
  case "5": $sql="
  select * from orders where employeeid = 4
  "; break;  /* criteria = where   */
  /* 6 - another sample of where */
  case "6": $sql="
  select * from orders where freight > 100 and freight < 1000
  "; break; /* freight = ค่าขนส่ง */  
  /* 7 - like = almost same */
  case "7": $sql="
  select * from products where QuantityPerUnit like '%pieces%'
  "; break; /* % = The percent sign represents zero, one, or multiple characters  */
  /* 8 - where to join table */
  case "8": $sql="
  select `order details`.*, products.* from `order details`,products
  where `order details`.productid = products.productid
  "; break;    
  /* 9 - inner join  */
  case "9": $sql="
  select `order details`.*, products.* from
  (`order details` inner join products on `order details`.productid = products.productid)
  "; break;  
  /* 10 - group and alias */
  case "10": $sql="
  select orderid, count(orderid) as cnt from `order details` group by orderid
  "; break;  
  /* 11 - function sum */
  case "11": $sql="
  select orderid, sum(quantity * unitprice) as total
  from `order details` group by orderid
  "; break;    
  /* 12 - inner join and where */
  case "12": $sql="
  select `order details`.*, products.*
  from (`order details` inner join products on `order details`.productid = products.productid)  
  where `order details`.unitprice > 100
  "; break;    
  /* 13 - inneer join and where to merge table */
  case "13": $sql="
  select orders.customerid, `order details`.*, products.*
  from orders, (`order details` inner join products on `order details`.productid = products.productid)
  where `order details`.unitprice > 100 and orders.orderid = `order details`.orderid
  "; break;   
  /* 14 - inner join 2 way */
  case "14": $sql="
  select orders.customerid, `order details`.*, products.*
  from (orders inner join `order details` on orders.orderid = `order details`.orderid
  inner join products on `order details`.productid = products.productid)
  where `order details`.unitprice > 100
  "; break; /* testing : [pass] in phpmyadmin but [fail] in MDBviewerplus */      
  /* 15 - function sum in group by */
  case "15": $sql="
  select orderid, sum(quantity * unitprice) as total from `order details`
  group by orderid
  having sum(quantity * unitprice) > 1000
  "; break;  
  /* 16 - subquery of select */
  case "16": $sql="
  select * from `order details`
  where productid in
  (select productid from products where unitsinstock = 0) order by productid
  "; break;      
  /* 17 - inner join to count >0 and no data of number 6 */
  case "17": $sql="
  select employees.employeeid, count(orders.orderid) as cnt_orderid
  from (employees inner join orders on employees.employeeid = orders.employeeid)
  where orders.shipcountry ='Spain'
  group by employees.employeeid
  "; break;        
  /* 18 - subquery and inner join and count >0 and no data of number 6 */
  case "18": $sql="
  select * from employees where employeeid in
  (select employees.employeeid from
  (employees inner join orders on employees.employeeid = orders.employeeid)
  where orders.shipcountry ='Spain'
  group by employees.employeeid)
  "; break;        
  /* 19 - left join and subquery get >=0 and include number 6 */
  case "19": $sql="
  select emp_left.employeeid, emp_right.cnt_order
  from employees emp_left left join
  (select orders.employeeid, count(orders.orderid) as cnt_order from orders
  where orders.shipcountry ='Spain' group by orders.employeeid) emp_right
  on emp_right.employeeid= emp_left.employeeid
  "; break;        
/* Section 5 : Display data */
if(isset($_GET["sql"]) && $_GET["sql"] == "show") die($sql);
if($php7) {
  $result = $connect->query($sql);
  if ($result->num_rows == 0) die("Query : failed<br/>" . $sql);
  $numField = mysqli_num_fields($result);
  if($numField < $maxField) $maxField = $numField;  
  echo $mytable . "<table class='mytable'><tr style='background-color:black;color:white;'>";
  if($linenumber) echo "<td>no.</td>";      
  $i = 0;
  while ($fieldinfo=mysqli_fetch_field($result)) {
    if ($i++ < $maxField) echo "<td style='text-align:center'>" . $fieldinfo->name . "</td>";
  echo "</tr>";  
  $totalRec = mysqli_num_rows($result);
  while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result)) {
    if ($cntrec >=firstrec($totalRec,$lineperpage,$currentpage) && $cntrec <=lastrec($totalRec,$lineperpage,$currentpage)) {
      echo "<tr>";
      if($linenumber) echo "<td>$cntrec</td>";
      for ($i=0; $i<$maxField ; $i++ ) { echo "<td>$row[$i]</td>"; }
      echo "</tr>";
  echo "</table><div style='margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;width:720px;text-align:center;background-color:#ffdddd'>";  
  for($i=1;$i<=totalpage($totalRec,$lineperpage);$i++) {
    if ($i == $currentpage)
      echo "$i : ";
      echo "<a href='?t=$sql_type&p=$i'>$i</a> : ";
  echo "Total $totalRec records";  
} else {  
  if (!$result=mysql_db_query($db,$sql)) die("Query : failed<br/>".$sql);
  $numField = mysql_num_fields($result);
  if($numField < $maxField) $maxField = $numField;
  echo "<style>table,th,td {border: 1px solid #dddddd;border-spacing:1px}</style>";
  echo "<table style='border-style:solid;border-width:2px;border-color:blue'><tr>";
  if($linenumber) echo "<td>no.</td>";      
  for ($i=0; $i<$maxField ; $i++ ) {
    echo "<td style='background-color:#ffffdd;text-align:center'>" . mysql_field_name($result, $i) . "</td>";
  echo "</tr>";  
  $totalRec = mysql_num_rows($result);
  while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
    if ($cntrec >=firstrec($totalRec,$lineperpage,$currentpage) && $cntrec <=lastrec($totalRec,$lineperpage,$currentpage)) {
      echo "<tr>";
      if($linenumber) echo "<td>$cntrec</td>";
      for ($i=0; $i<$maxField ; $i++ ) { echo "<td>$row[$i]</td>"; }
      echo "</tr>";
  /* while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { echo $row["CustomerID"]; } */
  /* while ($row = mysql_fetch_object($result)) { echo $row->{"CustomerID"} หรือ $row->CustomerID  } */
  echo "</table><div style='margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;width:720px;text-align:center;background-color:#dddddd'>";  
  for($i=1;$i<=totalpage($totalRec,$lineperpage);$i++) {
    if ($i == $currentpage)
      echo "$i : ";
      echo "<a href='?t=$sql_type&p=$i'>$i</a> : ";
  echo "Total $totalRec records";  
echo '<br/><a href="?t=1">Table:Orders</a> : <a href="?t=0&sql=show">SQL show</a> : <a href="?t=1&php=5">PHP5</a> : <a href="?t=1&php=7">PHP7</a></div>';
/* Section 6 : Page number control */
Sample from
$totalrec = Total record in table such as 60
$lpp = Line per page || Record per page to display such as 25
$page = Page number such as (1:1-25, 2:26-50, 3:51-60)
function totalpage($totalrec,$lpp) { return ceil($totalrec / $lpp); }
function firstrec($totalrec,$lpp,$page) { return (($lpp * ($page - 1) + 1) > $totalrec ? 1 : ($lpp * ($page - 1) + 1)); }
function lastrec($totalrec,$lpp,$page) { return (($lpp * $page) > $totalrec ? $totalrec : ($lpp * $page)); }