File : default.asp. ID : 2801
Skin : Default | Sons-of-obsidian | Sunburst | Highlighter | Frame
<! Copy from >
<!-- #include file=""-->
if number<>"" then
  response.write "<br>Result: "
  select case chk
  case 0 : response.write "Card is ok!"
  case 1 : response.write "Wrong card type"
  case 2 : response.write "Wrong length"
  case 3 : response.write "Wrong length and card type"
  case 4 : response.write "Wrong checksum"
  case 5 : response.write "Wrong checksum and card type"
  case 6 : response.write "Wrong checksum and length"
  case 7 : response.write "Wrong checksum, length and card type"
  case 8 : response.write "unknown cardtype"
  end select
  response.write "Please enter a card number"
end if
<form action=default.asp method=post>
Card number: <input type=text name=number value="<%=number%>"><br>
Type: <select name=cctype size=8><br>
<option value=V <%if cctype="V" then response.write "selected"%>>VISA</option>
<option value=M <%if cctype="M" then response.write "selected"%>>Master/Euro</option>
<option value=A <%if cctype="A" then response.write "selected"%>>American Exp.</option>
<option value=C <%if cctype="C" then response.write "selected"%>>Diners Club</option>
<option value=D <%if cctype="D" then response.write "selected"%>>Discover</option>
<option value=E <%if cctype="E" then response.write "selected"%>>enRoute</option>
<option value=J <%if cctype="J" then response.write "selected"%>>JCB</option>
<option value=U <%if cctype="U" then response.write "selected"%>>unknown</option>
</select><br><input type=submit value="Test it!" name=B1>
<b>Create: 1998 by <a href="">Click Online</a>