File : index.php. ID : 1402
Skin : Default | Sons-of-obsidian | Sunburst | Highlighter | Frame
<li><a href=create5.php>Create 5 records and clear old records</a>
<li><a href=listfile.php>Display data in file</a>
<li><a href=delfile.php>Delete data file</a>
<form action=addnew.php method=post>
DATA : <input name=newdata>
<input type=submit value=addnew.php>
<form action=deldata.php method=post>
ID : <input name=delid>
<input type=submit value=deldata.php>
<form action=editdata.php method=post>
ID : <input name=idedit>
DATA : <input name=newdata>
<input type=submit value=editdata.php>
if (file_exists($faddr)) {
  echo "Total record in data.txt : ".count($ar);
} else {
  echo "No data file. So create file with 1 new record.";